Wednesday 2 August 2023

My Last Goodbye/blog

By Ricky Harper, 2nd year MDP student

For my final field placement in the Master’s In Development (MDP) program, I, Rick Harper, worked at the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCCID). As a research assistant, I worked under the guidance of Claudyne Chevrier.  Together, we worked on developing a knowledge synthesis for Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK). ITK is the national voice of 70,000 Inuit people. The knowledge synthesis focuses on Core Competencies for Inuit Cultural Safety and it will be an additional tool for ITK addressing tuberculosis in Inuit communities.

Some of my tasks were to research and find resources pertaining to the topic. I then compiled the resources into a spreadsheet for review. In addition, my contributions will be included in the final report for ITK.

As my final quote, I will say, “I am glad to have been a part of this organization (NCCID) even if it was for just a moment as this was the highlight of my time at MDP. Meegwetch.


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